Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[CROMA] Formation of New Body / CROMA Election


Dear Mr. Atul,

I am copying and pasting below the content of mail from me & Mr. Ajay Bankoti, referred by you in your below mail dtd. 12th June 13 with subject line" Crossings Democrats group Invitation and welcome mail".

I still stand by with my below message. neither my message nor message from Ajay was specifically against your message, our message was a general message unfortunately got raised at wrong time.

Same time I am still in view that Irrespective of positive / negative message there is no reason for any one to hide his identity as every one is free to express his opinion till its not causing any loss to society. There was no reason for you to hide your identity and even after request was made to provide your identity there was no response. Hence nothing wrong on part of moderator to block your ID.

Formation of Interim Body :Regarding formation of Interim body I have already shared my view in my past post and I stick with that. Neither there was need of it nor the process was correct. However considering the future of crossing appealed from elected body as well as interim body to come together and arrange for fair election to save the credibility of CROMA. As per last update received yesterday morning there is no progress for election till now. A fresh request is required to be made for ppl willing to contribute for conducting election and a new election body need to be made as the body made in last meeting could not do anything till now.

Formation of New Body : Before formation of Interim Body, In Oct - Nov an attempt was made for formation of a body parallel to CROMA, I have personally opposed it and a meeting was called in GH7 and in that meeting majority agreed that there is no need of formation of new body however Bye-Laws of CROMA need to be changed. Probably nothing happened on it and its practically impossible to get the amendment passed by GBM for Bye-Laws as the required Quorum of 2/3 for amendment of Bye-Laws will not be available. This need to be seen that how Bye-Laws can be amended in absence of Quorum, If its not possible to do the amendment than a new body should formed with the understanding that CROMA will be dissolved once new body comes in force and post dissolution of CROMA new body will take place of CROMA. Ppl with legal knowledge can advise how to go ahead.

Intent may be correct but this time also I am in view that its wrong to form a new group as if this will happen it will create a precedence and every now and than we will find that group of 10 ppl has formed a new body and these body/group will keep establishing there superiority. If some thing is wrong with CROMA or the ppl in it that need to be changed instead of forming a new body. 

One accept it or not CROMA is a recognised body by Residents of Crossing as well as CIPL & Government authorities and we should not waste the advantage of same. Lets work together to make CROMA better and efficient and keep the credibility of CROMA Intact.

I have tried to raised the issue of electricity Through CROMA but after seeing the message from CROMA team against some other message that as election is announced CROMA will not be able to take the issues forward, started following up for election. Its unfortunate nothing has happened on it till now.

Yesterday on inquiring about status of election I have been told nothing has moved on it and to take lead for conducting election, its role and duty of interim body/elected body to arrange for fair election not of individuals. Further Instead on becoming  part of election committee I am looking for becoming part of Executive Body and contribute for the society.

Again hereby appeal to both the body to come together and expedite the election process in fair manner.

Request you to disclose your identity so that request will be made to moderator to unblock your ID to enable you to express your opinion freely.

From: "Manmohan Jha"

Sent:Sun, 21 Apr 2013 20:11:34 +0530
"CROMA","M. P. Singh"
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Update on IGL Pipeline

Manmohan Jha, >9212313580, >Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

From: "Ajay Bankoti" <>
Sender: Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 14:35:21 +0000
To: <>; M. P. Singh<>ReplyTo:
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Update on IGL Pipeline

Dear Moderator

>Pl delist all mail ids from the group which are not verifiable. I'm sure the moderator of this group is from CROMA, if its not true there is no point in having this group. >Food for thought to all genuine members of the group.
>Rgds; >Ajay Bankoti; >Arihant Ambience


Manmohan Jha; 92123 13580
Arihant Ambience, C - 402

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 9:47 PM, atul singh <> wrote:
Dear Citizens,

Good Evening!

First, of all I would like to apologize if after going through the message available below you think you do not have any kind of relation or thought about it.Please forgive me.

Secondly, I would like to thank you for reading the message mentioned below.At the same time I would like to thank all sources and people those who helped me and became my inspiration to (please ignore if you are not related to crossings republik at Dundahera) to start this group.

Third, I have added few groups(yahoo and google) of societies in crossings in this mail.Some of the groups may allow a public message and some of them may not allow it. So, I would like to place a humble request to all people those who are authorized memeber of their groups [ Gaur Global Village resident group, Paramount resident group, Mahagun resident group, Arihant resident group, GH-7 resident group,Proview Laboni resident group, Jaipuria resident group, Skytech resident group, Bulland Heights resident group,Panchsheel resident group,Croma Group, Supertech resident group, Assotech resident group,Ajnara resident group and all other resident groups(please forgive me if I have missed some society resident group name)]please broadcast this message in your resident group. We have to work together for a better democratic and social structure of crossings.

Foruth, I would like to give credit of this group formation to CROMA Interim Body activities in particular and all democratic people who encouraged me by their email.

Now, Having said that a new group formation Invitation and welcome mail you all must be thinking that 

why do we need a new group in crossings we alraedy have a group called CROMA ?

Yes and I do agree with your question.I never had a thought like this when I came to crossings two years back with dusty roads and baseless connectivity. I was always writing my views through the same group id of CROMA since its inception( I may have joined this group bit late so since inception may not be the exact word but I mean apprx.).

But why suddenly today I feel an apetite to initiate a process to create a new democratic group.

I know it is an obvious question and I took around 2 months to think about the same 
Do we really need a group if already we have a group of crossings residents called CROMA ?

and after two months of thinking my answer is yes and I hope you will also agree.
Now I need to let you know what happend and why today after around two years I am saying lets stregthen the democratic process in crossings. 
I would like to put forward the sequence of events which compelled me to discuss with you to create a group of democratic people.


 In early 2013 one day I got a communication( on my yahoo ID) from the CROMA mail ID that an Interim body has been formed and the body has replaced the President (Elect.) on the basis of communication GAP but the same body had inducted the General Sec.(elect) to a different position.In allmost all constitution of societies the Gen Sec. is responsible for communication not the president. So, general sec. should speak to people not the president. I am not sure why they inducted the gen sec. in the group of interim body.Anyways it does not matter now.

                                       I was shoked!

I looked into the mail a bit futher and find that one person( name I do not want to write here although I have forgot that name) complained about communication GAP and then few other based on his complain created an interim body and they broadcasted it to all on mail.In that GBM they wrote name of few person those who just came to protest the Pulia and even they were not aware what is the GBM. Their names were mentioned as the people present in the meeting for Interim Body.

The president(elect.) was even not at all aware of this process( he sent many mail communications in this regard) but these people did not listen. They just proceed and keep saying(a media hype) that the President(Elect.) is looking for post and we are the really interested in work. In my opinion if they would have really intersted in work they would have continued to work without the post till the next election and people would have automatically opted for them but they were in hurry!
                           I was shocked again!

Many people assigned themself their designation advertised removal of President(Elect.) and it looked like a situation which happens many times in our neighbor country. This activity was exactly similar in all respect.
This means few select people are controling CROMA whose mission is not clear and they are not responsible towards the citizen of Crossings.

Only one mission as of now I could see:

File  A Case Against Dupming Groud or any other ground(there are many examples) and pay money to laywers and get your part.

We need to check how many laywers are their in this body and are active in the other societies of the crossings.

They just make fool of common people by talking about many difficult acts and articles and get money from them by making them fool by filing a case.

Anyways I do not have faith in these kind of people and am sure you are in the same situation. We have to create a new group where we can discuss things in democratic way and solve it internally by discussion with respect and not to file cases. We need another group which is democratic not a group of interim body people of few who will create things as and when required for themself.


I wrote an email to group regarding some IGL gas pipeline situation and discussion in GH-7. I asked CROMA interim communication body to verify this mail and check with their President (Elect.) before sending this mail.But I saw a reply from an ID mentioned below. I never saw his email about any situation in the CROMA site on any issue related to residents.
But he was quite quick in this reply. God knows the reason.

a) From: Srikrishna Gopal srikrishna.gopal@...
> > Date: Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 1:16 PM
> >Subject: RE: [CROMA] Update on IGL Pipeline
b) Then another mail from this id M. P. Singh mpsinghghz@.

c) Then another mail from Ajay Bankoti" abankoti@
d) Then another mail from From: "Manmohan Jha"manmohan.jha@...

Then quick mail from moderator
This member BeYcOm  "atul_lh"  is now banned from the group

I do not know the credentials of the abovementioned three names:

a) Srikrishna Gopal srikrishna.gopal@... (Please update me if anyone has last update mail from this ID on any important issue discussed in CROMA group. )

b)  M. P. Singh mpsinghghz@.(Please update me if anyone has last update mail from this ID on any important issue discussed in CROMA group )

c) "Vishal Aery" wrote:(Please update me if anyone has last update mail from this ID on any important issue discussed in CROMA group.)

But below mentioned two person very often interact on the CROMA group ID:

Ajay Bankoti" and "Manmohan Jha"manmohan.jha@...

I am not sure what was the reason to ban my ID on the CROMA group ? I would like to know it from these two members Ajay Bankoti and Manmohan Jha.

Did I use Slang ?
Three person said about credentials of mine and you banned my ID? Which I used to express my view for around three years? Is there no credential about three years thoughts which I invested to all group using your group ID?

If you need that kind of verification I again advice you to close your GROUP in cyberspace go back to even check their DNA's to ensure they are related to your group.

In our Democratic Group we will not verify your credential we will look into the matter weather it is right or wrong!Lets discuss on mail if you like to meet in person its fine else cyberspace contribution for welfare would also be appreciated.

Didn't I just try to write my view. If the Interim body kind of people can write anything without looking into the truth of the message they send just by getting it from external source. Is it fair at their end ?

Please reply why they should not be banned from the Group instead of me ???

But I am sure either you all are part of the same group or you may have been made a pointer to achieve someone else goals.

Anyways this queston is now not my question... I have already decided to discuss with democratic people and form a democratic  way of living and decision making inside crossings in particular and India in General.

I was thinking if these few people can block your expression of thought ( I hope they must be doing somewhere else also since the nature never change) if you advice them to take the advice from their President(Elect.) and publish the truth. I am not sure what all things they can manipulate when it comes to discussion about citizens welfare at crossings with Builders, Authorities ...

I can not leave the crossings citizens on their tricks I invite you all to create a better democratic group to ensure transparency and 

                                     Harmony at Crossings.

I have decided about it. I would like to invite you all to lets work together to create a better future for crossings.

 But now I am even ready to follow Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore:
       "Jodi Tor Dak Shune Keu Na Ase Tobe Ekla Cholo Re"

 and I hope and am sure soon we will together create a better situation inside crossings.

                    Please join.I will send 3 times invitation to you all about the same 

Please do send your issues we will work on it and solve it.

NOTE: We need support from all senior people/residents including tenants of crossings including the CROMA President(Elect.) if you feel please guide to strenthen and achieve the goal for Crossings Democrats Group.


Atul Singh(The Democrat)

Only Good Thought is a valid credential.We do not check DNA's of each individual resident.
We respect your thought and solve your issues.

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