Thursday, June 13, 2013

Re: [CROMA] Re: Crossings Republik Formation of New Body / CROMA Election


Dear Bhatia Saheb,

I request you to please schedule a meeting this weekend with the entire Election Committee Members and then re-elect the Returning Officer who can conduct a smooth and fair election of CROMA Governing Body. The meeting was called 3 times but only 2 members joined in that meeting and hence Zia Ur Rehman was mutually nominated/assigned as a Returning Officer. So once you and other Election Committee Members will sit and realize that someone else can be suitable as a Returning Officer, he can be nominated. Hope you will agree with my opinion.

The most challenging part is we must conduct the CROMA Election ASAP in a democratic way so that the newly body can take up the outstanding issues ASAP.

Raj Kumar Raju
Mahagun Mascot

On Jun 13, 2013 10:40 AM, "Manmohan Jha" <> wrote:

Bhatia Ji,

Agree with you.

To make formation of Election Committee more transparent, we should invite nomination for becoming part of election committee over mail and than call a meeting and after deliberation we should finalize the election committee.

Dear Vishal Aery / Gurumukh Ji : Request both of you to take a lead and drive the formation of new election committee. An independent lection committee will be essence of fair election.



Manmohan Jha
92123 13580

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Bps Bhatia <> wrote:
Dear manmohan. I fully agree with rge views expressed by you and regarding croma,unity and fair election.But the way the things are moving is not correct .The way the election committee formed (for which I am also a member )and election officer is enforced(since most of election committee members were not present and in further meetings also) is not correct and we can not expect the election be conducted in fair manner .The future role of croma is very crucial so we should be careful to elect the body which should work with devotion and sincerity for the welfare of the society.We all should come forward and associate ourselves actively so that the wrong persons may not take charge of Croma.

Manmohan Jha <> wrote:


Dear Mr. Atul,

I am copying and pasting below the content of mail from me & Mr. Ajay Bankoti, referred by you in your below mail dtd. 12th June 13 with subject line" Crossings Democrats group Invitation and welcome mail".

I still stand by with my below message. neither my message nor message from Ajay was specifically against your message, our message was a general message unfortunately got raised at wrong time.

Same time I am still in view that Irrespective of positive / negative message there is no reason for any one to hide his identity as every one is free to express his opinion till its not causing any loss to society. There was no reason for you to hide your identity and even after request was made to provide your identity there was no response. Hence nothing wrong on part of moderator to block your ID.

Formation of Interim Body :Regarding formation of Interim body I have already shared my view in my past post and I stick with that. Neither there was need of it nor the process was correct. However considering the future of crossing appealed from elected body as well as interim body to come together and arrange for fair election to save the credibility of CROMA. As per last update received yesterday morning there is no progress for election till now. A fresh request is required to be made for ppl willing to contribute for conducting election and a new election body need to be made as the body made in last meeting could not do anything till now.

Formation of New Body : Before formation of Interim Body, In Oct - Nov an attempt was made for formation of a body parallel to CROMA, I have personally opposed it and a meeting was called in GH7 and in that meeting majority agreed that there is no need of formation of new body however Bye-Laws of CROMA need to be changed. Probably nothing happened on it and its practically impossible to get the amendment passed by GBM for Bye-Laws as the required Quorum of 2/3 for amendment of Bye-Laws will not be available. This need to be seen that how Bye-Laws can be amended in absence of Quorum, If its not possible to do the amendment than a new body should formed with the understanding that CROMA will be dissolved once new body comes in force and post dissolution of CROMA new body will take place of CROMA. Ppl with legal knowledge can advise how to go ahead.

Intent may be correct but this time also I am in view that its wrong to form a new group as if this will happen it will create a precedence and every now and than we will find that group of 10 ppl has formed a new body and these body/group will keep establishing there superiority. If some thing is wrong with CROMA or the ppl in it that need to be changed instead of forming a new body. 

One accept it or not CROMA is a recognised body by Residents of Crossing as well as CIPL & Government authorities and we should not waste the advantage of same. Lets work together to make CROMA better and efficient and keep the credibility of CROMA Intact.

I have tried to raised the issue of electricity Through CROMA but after seeing the message from CROMA team against some other message that as election is announced CROMA will not be able to take the issues forward, started following up for election. Its unfortunate nothing has happened on it till now.

Yesterday on inquiring about status of election I have been told nothing has moved on it and to take lead for conducting election, its role and duty of interim body/elected body to arrange for fair election not of individuals. Further Instead on becoming  part of election committee I am looking for becoming part of Executive Body and contribute for the society.

Again hereby appeal to both the body to come together and expedite the election process in fair manner.

Request you to disclose your identity so that request will be made to moderator to unblock your ID to enable you to express your opinion freely.

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