Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Re: [CR-IB] Re: [CROMA] CROMA Election Schedule // Last date of Nomination 23rd March 14 Corrected.


Dear Manmohan,

One point I would like to highlight here , in below chaîn of mail you mentioned that Paramount is not registered society.

For your information :

Paramount is registered society having elected board .Moré Thén 200 registered members who deposited registration free . However all résidents are members . We have already adopted Modern by Laws .

GDA has Given clean chit to our registration .

yes Thérè are unnecessary question of authenticity of registration process which has zéro légal ground.
We have approached Legal to clear this mess.I am sûre this would be sorted very soon .

Kindly let me know if you need more information

Sajid Akhtar

Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

From: Manmohan Jha <manmohan.jha@gmail.com>
Sender: CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:19:30 +0530
To: CROMA<CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in>; CRIS<crossings-republik@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo: CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in
Cc: cromainterimbody<cromainterimbody@googlegroups.com>; Ram Gopal<ram.gopal1949@gmail.com>; Bps Bhatia<bps.bhatia70@gmail.com>; Praveen Joshi<ajprav@gmail.com>; sharad gehani<Gehani.sharad@gmail.com>; Ziaur Rahman Ansari<ziaur.ansari@gmail.com>; balaji@bopindia.com<balaji@bopindia.com>; Kshitij Mathur<k.mathur@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CR-IB] Re: [CROMA] CROMA Election Schedule // Last date of Nomination 23rd March 14 Corrected.


Tried to explain to Mr. Kuldeep on one to one basis as this will unnecessarily lead to exchange of mails and filling of mail box of all with unwanted mails. 

But looks like this concern will be raised by few more ppl hence forwarding the exchange of mail with Mr. Kuldeep.

Further this will be the 2nd Election for selecting executive body. Till now concern were being raised that why election is not happening now different concern is being raised.



Manmohan Jha
92123 13580

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 4:36 PM, Manmohan Jha <manmohan.jha@gmail.com> wrote:
What about following Society who do not have registered/accepted AAO/RWA with elected body, who will represent them and how it will be insured that the person coming as representative is having acceptability within his society.

1) Saviour 
2) Gaur
3) Paramount
4) Panchsheel
5) Gardenia
6) Buland
7) Dreamland
8) Cosmos
9) Clement
10) Golf Green
11) Sam
12) Exotica.


Manmohan Jha

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 4:26 PM, kuldeep dubey <kuldeep1001@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Mr Manmohan,
I am totally Agree good work done by CROMA and support of Residents i am aslo part of CROMA and one of the few members to found this the only thing is process of election and do not consider it a AOA.
The best thing to get CROMA body elected is to get members from current AOA of respective societies rather going for direct election.
kuldeep dubey

From: Manmohan Jha <manmohan.jha@gmail.com>
To: kuldeep1001@yahoo.com
Cc: cromainterimbody <cromainterimbody@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [CROMA] CROMA Election Schedule // Last date of Nomination 23rd March 14 Corrected.

Trust you must have seen recent communications for various issue taken up by CROMA at township level with CIPL and Govt. Bodies and result is also in positive direction for those.
Croma is taking care of activity at Township Level and AAO of respective society is dealing with internal matter of society.
In past effort were made to convert CROMA as federation of AAO but in present stage where only few Society is having registered AAO or undisputed AAO it could not be done. Hence CROMA is operating as members association, over the time it will be converted into federation of AAO.
In past questions were raised for office bearer and on demand election was announced but it was not getting finalised now schedule has got announced.
Manmohan Jha
On Mar 11, 2014 3:58 PM, "kuldeep dubey" <kuldeep1001@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear All,
I want to undersatnd the election Process of CROMA . When CROMA was formed that point of time no Flats were ready and we had some chareted fo demands that point of time and some residents ( I would not say residents they were alootte that point of time) came together to form a group to have discussion with Builders and concern autority.
Now where there are already AOA if formed they will look after their respective.
As per UP AOA act one place we can not have two different assosiations. we can check this as Chapter five para no. One.
(There shall be an Association of Apartment Owners for the 'administration or the affairs in relation to the apartments and the property appertaining thereto and for the management of.common areas and facilities: Provided that where any area has been demarcated for the construction of buildings, whether such area is called a block or pocket or by any other name, there shall be a single Association of Apartment Owners in such demarcated area, )
So will it be right to have elections ???
What we can do here is considering CROMA as umbrella Body we can have one or two person designated from each society ( elected  AOA Members of that Society) and have a vote with them for the given post.
Here voting for whole township we are challanging the goverment process as they do for Nagar Nipam counsellor.
This was my suggession  rest CROMA team to decide.
kuldeep dubey

From: CROMA Updates <cromaupdates@gmail.com>
To: crossingsrepublikownersandmembersassociation-croma <CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in>; crossings <crossings-republik@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: Ram Gopal <ram.gopal1949@gmail.com>; Bps Bhatia <bps.bhatia70@gmail.com>; Soni Singh <aloksingh_07@yahoo.com>; Praveen Joshi <ajprav@gmail.com>; balaji@bopindia.com; sharad gehani <Gehani.sharad@gmail.com>; Ziaur Rahman Ansari <ziaur.ansari@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:11 PM
Subject: [CROMA] CROMA Election Schedule // Last date of Nomination 23rd March 14

Dear Flat Owners of Crossings Republik Township,

We are forwarding the notice forwarded by election officer as it is not getting delivered to groups from his mail ID.

List of present member of CROMA is being circulated in separate mail, if name of any flat owner is missing they can send the attached form after filling in detail in it till 15th March 14, as mentioned below by election officer.



Dear Members
              I would like to request all the members to please come forward and nominate yourself for a suitable position within the CROMA leadership team.
              It is a great opportunity to have a major say within the whole Crossings Township related matters , and it is imperative for us to have a strong connection between the various societies representative for future endeavours .
The residents who could not enroll themselves can fill the attached membership form by 15th march and send to Election Officer or by mail on cromaupdates@gmail.com

               If your are willing to devote some time and energy towards the betterment of the Crossings Republik township  , please do shoot in your nominations .
              Nomination form is attached herewith. Just take print out, fill up the form, sign it and sent scanned copy to  ram.gopal1949@gmail.com Nomination procedure is going to be close by 23rd March 5.P.M. No form will be accepted by CROMA Election Committee after 5.p.m. Please do it today and don't leave this opportunity and be a part of strong CROMA Team .  The Complete Election Schedule is as follows . 

We are pleased to declare the Nomination and Election Schedule for CROMA EXECUTIVE BODY ELECTION.
Any member willing for contesting any post shall submit the nomination form to the following  mail ID from today onwards however hard copy of the form submitted on line must be submitted by hand (in Person) by 23rd March 2014 ,( from 3 pm to 6 pm daily) else nomination will not be considered.
Returning Officer        : ram.gopal1949@gmail.com  
address for Submission of Hard Copy :  Mr. Ram Gopal Gupta, 9958645857
406 A, Tower 1, Block B, Panchsheel Wellington, Crossings Republikfrom.
A.      Election Schedule
1.              Verification of Voter List                                 :     16th  March 2014
2.              Publication Of the Final Voter List                 :      20th March 2014
3.              Last Date of filling of Nomination Papers     :     23rdMarch 2014(5 PM}
4.              Last date of withdrawal of nomination         :        29th March 2014(5 PM)
5.              Scrutiny of nomination Papers                        :         3rd April       2014
6.              Date of Election                                                  :     13th April 2014
7.              Voting Time                                                         :     10 am to 5 pm
8.              Counting                                                               :       5 PM onward
9.              Result                                                                     : Immediate after counting
10.          Venue                                                            
a.      Fountain Chowk
b.      Paramount Complex
c.       Panchsheel Well Bazar
B.      Posts of New Executive Committee to be Elected:
1.      President                    :           (One Post)
2.      Vice-President           :           (One Post)
3.      General Secretary     :           (One Post)
4.      Joint Secretary           :           (Three Post)
5.      Treasurer                    :           (One Post)
6.      Executive Members  :           (Twenty Four)
Note: Although all  efforts are made to enroll the residents as CROMA Members  In case of any dispute in this regard the  decision taken by Chief Election Officer will be final and can not be challenged.
Yours sincerely
Ram Gopal Gupta
Mob. 9958645857

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ram Gopal <ram.gopal1949@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 7:59 PM
Subject: Fwd: Election Schedule
To: rwapanchsheelwellington@googlegroups.com, cromainterimbody@googlegroups.com, Soni Singh <aloksingh_07@yahoo.com>, Bps Bhatia <bps.bhatia70@gmail.com>, Neeraj Gautam <neerajgautam@gmail.com>, Praveen Joshi <ajprav@gmail.com>, balaji@bopindia.com, sharad gehani <Gehani.sharad@gmail.com>, Ziaur Rahman Ansari <ziaur.ansari@gmail.com>, "cc: RAJ KUMAR RAJU" <rajubanka@gmail.com>, Vishal Aery <aeryvishal@rediffmail.com>, Manmohan Jha <manmohan.jha@gmail.com>, Kshitij Mathur <k.mathur@gmail.com>

Please find enclose herewith election schedule.

Thank and Regards,
Ram Gopal Gupta.
Returning Officer Croma Elections
406 A, Tower-1, Block-B
Panchshell Wellington
Crossings Republik
Ghaziabad, U.P. (New Delhi NCR)
Cell:- 995-864-5857
Email:- ram.gopal1949@gmail.com

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