Sunday, September 3, 2017

Re: [CROMA] Suggestion for Termite Control Service Povider


om pest control B11,SEC65,NOIDA MOBILE NO9650545900,8750800140.
I FOUND THEM GOOD,CHARGING Rs2000/- for a year,four visits.pls bargain first and cofirm terms.
neeraj shrotriya

On Sunday, 3 September 2017 7:50 AM, "HARSH LONGANY [CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA]" <> wrote:


Request if someone could recommend a service provider who deals in pest control particularly TERMITE control in Crossings.

Hope, many of you would have got it done in your flat.

Please share your experience if possible.



Posted by: neeraj shrotriya <>
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