Thursday, August 22, 2013

[CROMA] Fwd: Inaugural Workshop on Road Safety & Traffic Congestion



Warm Regards,

Raj Kumar Raju
Jt. Secretary, FedAOA (Ghaziabad)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 22 August 2013 15:54
Subject: Inaugural Workshop on Road Safety & Traffic Congestion

Dear Residents,

We are happy to inform you all that Federation of Apartment Owner Association has decided to JOIN the efforts of Rotary Club of Indirapuram Parivar and RoSES (Road Safety and Emergency Services) who have joined hands with the GHAZIABAD TRAFFIC POLICE to hold the Inaugural Workshop on Road Safety with the basic intent to find out effective solutions to handle the traffic during peak office hours or through the day with the help of Volunteers at specific locations.

Federation of Apartment Owner Association is going to work as a partner in this initiative by these credible organizers so that residents/commuters feel a little less pain while going out or returning home. Federation of Apartment Owner Association seriously believe that enough damage has been done thus far to the traffic situation by ignoring the rules and allowing encroachments, but the initiative might just bring about some change(relief). 

A sigh of Relief from the everyday traffic wooes if it were to be so, appropriately named 'RAHAT' project (Govt-Private-NonGovt.partnership)

Requesting  you all to join in from
 11 am Dt. 25/08/2013 At Windoser Park Club and support the cause wholeheartedly. 

For Fed AOA

B.K Pandey


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