Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Dear Manmohan & others,

Probably you missed out one or the other emails floated within the group where I wrote myself a day back. I come from GH-7 and a owner of a flat there and also a member of RWA. I have recently shifted to CR therefore I am sounding new to you guys.

I am also in touch with various others in CR who are silently fighting for DG case whereas many other still don't know about the severity of this DG matter. My purpose is to publicize the matter so we jointly fight together. 

Remember recent rape case in Delhi of Nirabhaya which became a global news it was just because it was publicized and people just like you and me took very seriously and that's the reason a lot of govt panels have been formed and we expect an amendment in law as well. In similar way if we all take DG matter seriously and contest jointly I am 100% confident DG won't come ever in Dundahera. 

I am also an active user in other CR groups and FB pages since long probably you're not there that's why I am still unknown among you.
Thanks & Warm regards,
Umesh Chaudhary

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