Dear Gurmukh Singh Ji and all fellow Residents,
Its 2013!!! another New Year!!! and we all at Crossings look forward to a year of Consolidation and improvement in our Surroundings for the better.
Let us all stay together happily and tackle pending issues with greater Resolve!!!!
Have a Great Year ahead!!!
Best Regards
Mohit Kumar Singh
Mahagun Mascot
From: Gurmukh Salh <>
Sent: Tue, 01 Jan 2013 20:38:18
To: crossingsrepublikownersandmembersassociation- CROMA <>,
Subject: [CROMA] Happy New Year
Dear CR Residents,
On the very first day of year 2013, I take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful year ahead, where dreams become reality, success becomes routine & happiness become a habit & that all in our CR through our unity.
Happy New Year.
Warm regards,
Sent from my iPad
Gurmukh Singh
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