Dear Atul Ji,
Thanks for your this factful letter, but how can you open the eyes of the people who are hell bent upon killing democracy on the behest of some so called Lawyers (the persons who defy all the provisions of bye-laws and constitution of CROMA) and think, whatever they do is right, all other right peoples are wrong. Most of these persons are not even from their society's RWA.
The resolution passed and afterwards also is full of discrepencies and against the Bye-laws and Constitution of a registered body.
This is great that the persons against whome the so called no-confidence motion by most the persons who were not even the members of this body, was passed were again holding positions of heads of different committes in this interim body.
They have opened a pandora box in the form of Interm Bodies by calling so called GBMs without fulfilling the conditions of quorum. 10-12 people will arrange these type of meetings and will pass resolutions in their favour and will call themselves a new interim body of CROMA.
So, to avoid these type of situations, I propose that only elected President, General Secretary and one more representative of RWAs of Crossings Republik Societies should be the members of the Apex Body (may call it CROMA or give some other name) and they further elect their office-bearers from this body which will be truely represented body of residents of CR.
So, to avoid these type of situations, I propose that only elected President, General Secretary and one more representative of RWAs of Crossings Republik Societies should be the members of the Apex Body (may call it CROMA or give some other name) and they further elect their office-bearers from this body which will be truely represented body of residents of CR.
Ishwar sabko sadbudhi de.
Sent from my iPad
Gurmukh Singh
I was waiting to see the next actions and procedure of CROMA for a month and trying to analyze the situation.Based on the current activities and the direction of so called interim (Which is highly against democratic system) I could conclude following things:1. The gentleman who complained about information dissemination issue/lack by CROMA had just some biased thought about the President.Reason: The gentleman who complained was part of the governing body and even after that he complained about it but the new organizing body included the last General Secretary of previous body in the current so called interim(highly non democratic) organization structure (which is highly illegal and a small group activity).Based on CROMA web page about last office bearer it also tells about some small group biased pact (between the previous GS and the person complain about the information lack –This is just my inference based on the situation and activities. Since GS is more responsible for communication then how he became part of the new body ? ) to control CROMA as a shop or small company.2. All people who informed there was a general body who decided should honor the last elected body and discuss with all of them in public let the debate go for 1 day to 1 month till to debate concludes and then go for a secret voting to decide about all available options.Reason: This is the way followed by all democratic organizations and even all governments or bodies made under Indian constitution. Indian constitution respects people decision and gives everybody equal right to explain their thoughts and participate in voting and take a decision based on voting.The way few people create the interim means it is like our neighbor country where things change just because few people decide about that not the majority. If we follow this situation this is highly alarming and non-democratic.I think that day is not far in future that every alternate day people will start advertising the new interim structure of CROMA or other democratic organizations …Action Required 4 All @ Crossings:· All new person those who become part of the new interim body must immediately recall their names. and clarify they want democracy not a small group activity. Since, they would be made responsible and will be remembered for creating a bad situation in the CROMA history forever. If at all they want to work they can follow the below procedure then get that position.· Elected President with the last body should call for a general body meeting and then based on all inputs decides about how many days of discussion required conclude the situation with all general body members(at least 2 third of all members)· GBM should continue discussion about it for 1 day to 1 month or whatever is fine till all GBM members present their thought and points in the discussion Then Check what is top majority priority and then the elected body should initiate a voting procedure for the same.· What ever is decided should be final and if that calls for voting again then go for voting and then the existing elected body should ensure voting done and finalize the new body again.In my opinion this is the procedure to get the CROMA back to track. I will check the direction for the CROMA elected body message. All those who are part of current communication cell should discuss with elected body not interim body and communicate the democratic procedure and disseminate information about removal the interim body till we get the new elected body.If this does not happen or if the interim body new members are not ready to do it then …@All People those believe in democracy:Let's work together to create a better democratic organization in place of CROMA. I will work for it those who believe this please discuss about that. I am always available for a better future society.I will never use the CROMA information group to read any message if we do not re-install the elected body by end of April.@ CROMA Moderator:Thanks for moderating the group for a long time which I utilize to read and write about a democratic organization. But if you do not have any idea to re-install the elected body then please remove my name from your group communication. Since, I feel embraced about the current activities going on in CROMA.NOTE: These are my thoughts based on the situation building on the group ID. Please do not take it personally. If it hurt someone I am sorry about that.ThanksBeYcOm9873876761
From: atul singh <>
To: "" <>; Gurmukh Salh <>
Sent: Friday, 8 March 2013 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Re: {AARWA-57} Re: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body
Can anybody inform who was the General Secretary of the Association when the communication of the below mentioned person was not replied well ?And his/her current status if he/she is part of the interim organization structure or not ???BeYcOm
From: atul singh <>
To: "" <>; Gurmukh Salh <>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 March 2013 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Re: {AARWA-57} Re: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body
I am not sure about the below mentioned reply.As far as I remember the mail chain the below mentioned person was asking for INR 1000 repeatedly. Which he deposited in the account of the CROMA.I am not sure if he get it or not. Please confirm.(Although it is your money I do not have right to discuss about that)And as far as the communication is concerned it is responsibility of the General Secretary of the organization.I think all people should ensure that the existing(the GS at that time) General Secretary should also not get any post in the interim structure but am not sure who was the General Secretary at that time before the new iterim committee formed.Can anybody inform who was the General Secretary of the organization when the communication of the below mentioned person was not replied well ? And his current status if he is part of the interim organization structure or not ???And regarding the person who submitted their money they have all right to know the expenditure and the account statement of CROMA and not just the communication.The new interim CROMA should publish their account statement to ensure that the money which was deposited is kept their and protected.In my opinion, it is just not enough to change the organization structure ! We need to create a better organization probably a new one. But we can use CROMA group id as a communication channel.The main question is why CROMA requested money to fight Dumping Ground ? Why they did not demand money from CIPL to fight it ?
- If CIPL can give 1 crore as per court order in the case ( I am not sure but read it from some paper or mail )
- If CIPL can construct two under pass at Indira puram and NOIDA why they can not sponsor money to fight case against dumping ground to CROMA and respective RWAs?
- And why they do CSR as per GDA order if they can not make things better for Crossings People connectivity and related stuff ?
- Even role of GDA need to discussed and checked like they take all money for Development and they should develop the Ghaziabad with that money not the money from private builders with their name mentioned on those underpasses. If GDA can not do this stuff then it should be must be dissolved and let private builders RUN GHAZIABAD.
- GDA should have asked CIPL to create a big park for CR residents instead of the under passes at different location or GDA should have done that.
- Still the main issue is GDA and GNN not anyone else in the dumping ground. We should file case against them to check their order and plan.
From: Siddhartha Tomer <>
To: Gurmukh Salh <>
Cc: crossingsrepublikownersandmembersassociation-croma <>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 March 2013 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Re: {AARWA-57} Re: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body
Siddhartha TomerFourth, If General Secretary is not responding then hope you as well aware of President's responsibility.Third. The mails I am referring are of past 2-3 months. I have written those mails as a resident.Second, Please note when I have resigned from CROMA executive body and you should better recall the reason for it.Mr Gurmukh Singh,Finally I am happy to see a response from you :)On your first point. Please see the attendance records if maintained by President or by Vice President or by General Secretary. You being president must be aware of that rather then asking individuals now.
Fifth, Not sure what you meant by " What your General Secretary has done in last one year ". Please be noted that I am not making any one as President, Vice President or General Secretary. Being a resident, My question was for CROMA governing body. President, Vice President or General Secretary to decide and respond.
Please stop forcing your ineffectiveness on residents. If you still have any questions, Please free feel to discuss rather than writing such mails.Please confirm. Are you still the President of CROMA. Response to my earlier queries are still awaited.
A resident of Crossing Republik
( 8860210000 )On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Gurmukh Salh <> wrote:
Mr. Siddhartha,Before asking any querry from me, please tell, how many meetings of Governing Body have you attended in last one year as governing body member?In an association, General Secretary is responsible for all the correspondance as per bye-laws and constitution. You can go through bye-laws to see roles & responsibilities of Office-Bearers and that has given me the rights. So, be responsible and act accordingly. What your General Secretary has done in last one year, he can not even send the communication to Registrar regarding elections, he could not get his post ratified by GBM.For your kind information, I am an elected President of an elected body.Regards for which you are not capable.Sent from my iPadGurmukh SinghIs this ethical??? I want to know who has given you these rights. I want to put on record that being president of any association, you were expected to address all queries. You fail to do so effectively in past one year.Mr Gurmukh Singh,Before adding salt to anything, you should have clear thoughts. In past few months, I have sent you multiple notes. You haven't replied to any note and now you have time to respond to these subject mails.
Rightly said by Mr Manmohan and supported by all other residents- " Position should be given to those who can contribute and not looking for position only for their social status. "
Siddhartha Tomer
( 8860210000 )On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Manish Sharma <> wrote:
correctly said. my vote is to refrain unless there is a legal document or legal notice issued for such action.
by the way, was the intial email about dissolution sent by officeal croma email address?
From: Manmohan Jha <>
To: CRIS <>; CROMA <>; "" <>; Xing Uma Ajnara <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Arihant_Ambience Google Group <>
Sent: Saturday, 2 March 2013 9:48 PM
Subject: {AARWA-57} Re: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body
Unfortunate response as well as action.--
Difficult to understand who is worng n who is right.
This is the situation I was afraid of and sent my response against formation of new body.
I am also not in agreement with the way it has formed but at least so called unconstitutional body is taking effort to do something other than only organising and attending events.
If you are really looking to do something for township take the lead to dissolve the so called constitutional body and call for selection/election of new body who can work for township. Hope of every resident lie on CROMA, only request not make fun of it by fighting for Chair. Position should be given to those who can contribute and not looking for position only for their social status.
Manmohan Jha
Sent from BlackBerry® on AirtelFrom: Gurmukh Salh <>Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 20:37:11 +0530To:<>;<>; Xing Uma Ajnara<>;<>;<>;<>;<>;<>ReplyTo: crossings-republik@yahoogroups.comSubject: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional BodyDear All,As you are all aware that some autocratic power-crazy self style leaders have announced dissolution of duly elected executive body of CROMA which is unconstitutional, undemocratic and arbitrary. To add salt to injury they have called a meeting of general body on 03.03.2013 with out giving proper notice as per by laws.Since the so called new body is itself illegal and unconstitutional; legal action against such illegal activities is under process. As the matter is subjudice, it is therefore requested that we all should refrain from attending the said meeting on 03/03/2013 in the interest of Residents of Crossings Republik and await the judgement.(Gurmukh Singh)President CROMA
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