Friday, July 19, 2013

[CROMA] As published in Hindustan on 17th July Electricity Charges Increased, Fixed Charges 270 per KW, Unit Charges Rs. 6.10



Many of you might have seen attached message posed by Abhishek on facebook. Below is the link for viewing it online.

It says that this has been already implemented from 10th June. During revision of tariff  Power Corporation have introduced a separate Gradeas for for single point bulk supply  "Non Industrial Bulk Load" named as HV1 with two category of below 75 & above 75KW Load. At the time of putting the proposal for approval it has been clarified that this is not for domestic users hence it got cleared, whereas post approval on  28th June electricity board has issued a clarification that Registered Society, Housing Colonies, Township, Mutistory Building having load of more than 75KW, power will be supplied through 11KV Line and this will fall under Category HV1 where Fixed charges are 270 per KW & Unit Chrges is Rs. 6.10 .

 There is a State Electricity Consumer Forum they are taking up the issue with board for cancellation of this order on wednesday. As per them based on electricity bill 2003 nature of connection can not be changed

As per this fixed charges is for per KW not KVA hence connected load should be in KW not KVA.However most of the builder has provided load on KVA basis.


Manmohan Jha
92123 13580

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