Monday, December 19, 2016

[CROMA] Hospitals and Doctors who give shelter to Criminals to Escape from Arrest held guilty of Contempt of Court - says Supreme Court


Hospitals and doctors who give shelter to Criminals to escape from arrests will now have to think twice as they can also be held guilty of Contempt of Court. 

The Supreme Court recently on Friday in Sita Ram vs. Balbir, has held two medical professionals guilty of contempt for granting medical asylum to an accused, without there being any reason or medical condition justifying his prolonged admission as an indoor patient. 

However, the court has not yet imposed any punishment on them and has granted them one more opportunity to present their views on the issue. It was revealed in the inquiry that the accused remained admitted in the hospital for 527 days and no laboratory test was conducted during the period of admissions. 

The Court held that "In our view, the Medical Professionals namely Dr. Munish Prabhakar and Dr. K.S. Sachdev extended medical asylum to the respondent without there being any reason or medical condition justifying prolonged admission of the respondent as an indoor patient as a cover to defeat the Orders passed by this Court and the Trial Court, as stated above and thereby aided and assisted the respondent in violating the Order of this Court. By such conduct these Medical Professionals have obstructed administration of justice" 

The Court further held that "Considering the fact that these are medical professionals with sufficient standing, in our view ends of justice would be met if one more opportunity is granted to them to present their view on the issue of punishment. In the circumstances, we direct presence of these three contemnors on January 2, 2017. The respondent is in custody and therefore appropriate production warrant shall be issued under the signature of Registrar of this Court ensuring presence of the respondent before this Court. The concerned police is directed to facilitate such production of the respondent. The contemnors can also present their views and make appropriate submission in writing on or before December 23, 2016."

The above info is shared in Public Interest and Copy of order attached for reference and reading.  

Best Regards

Akhil P.Chhabra


Posted by: Akhil Pal Chhabra <>
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