Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Re: [RWA-Mascot:678] Fwd: [CROMA] My Car stolen from Basement parking in GH7

This is a very serious issue, we should take a precaution that this
should not happen again.

I just wanted to know that has mahagun installed the CCTV Cameras on
the basement parking and the every exit point of the society, if
installed then we have to check that all are working or not?

On 5/24/12, RAJ KUMAR RAJU <> wrote:
> FYI...
> --
> *Thanks & Regards,*
> *
> *
> *Raj Kumar Raju*
> *Cell# 9811922379*
> *President, MMRWA*
> *Crossings Republik Township*
> *NH-24, Ghaziabad (U.P.)*
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: abhi_augustine <>
> Date: Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:06 AM
> Subject: [CROMA] My Car stolen from Basement parking
> To:
> Hi All,
> Just wanted to let everyone know that my car (Hyundai Accent) was stolen
> from basement parking of Crossings Infra GH-7 on Wednesday, 16th May'12 at
> 12:30pm in bright daylight.
> This is a serious concern and warning for everyone staying in Crossings and
> I was told by the police station in-charge that earlier 2-3 bikes were
> stolen from Crossings.
> I must mention that The security staff at Crossings was quite non
> co-operating and helpless in the whole incidence. I myself had to sit for
> hours and go through the CCTV footage to find out how and when my car was
> stolen from basement parking. After I found out when car was stolen, the
> security incharge (Mr U.P. Singh) was sitting on the issue for 2 days and
> told me after 2 days that they have done their "internal procedures" and in
> order to maintain secrecy they can't tell ME what they did about finding my
> OWN car! and now I should lodge an FIR!!!
> Then I lodged my complaint at Crossings police station. When Mr RK Singh
> (police station in-charge) visited Crossings then Mr Sachdeva (Crossings
> Infra & Facilities head or so) told him that he does not even know about
> the incidence. The fact is that I myself had spoken to Mr Sachdeva on
> Sunday in front of U.P. Singh and U.P Singh also told me before I met Mr
> Sachdeva that he has discussed the incidence with Mr Sachdeva and other
> senior authorities at Crossings. This clearly indicates what kind of people
> are responsible for security of our belongings and most importantly OUR and
> OUR FAMILIES' security in Crossings.
> Not sure if everyone knows about it - we have CCTV cameras installed
> in main Glass gate entrance, Shahberi naka, Galleria market, main
> round-about and few other places, but when I went to further check from
> which gate my car exited, I was disappointed to know that most of the
> cameras were not working or they were turned off at evening at 7pm or so -
> Strange but true!!! The guy who looks after CCTV
> infrastructure told me that this has been the situation from weeks/months.
> Also the video quality of CCTV cameras is quite poor, zoom in is not
> possible and it is very hard to recognize details like vehicle number or
> face of any person.
> We all pay quite heavy monthly security & maintenance charges and this is
> what we get in return??? If such incidents keep on happening it will also
> affect the image of Crossings as a place to stay.
> I am a victim of security flaws and I have already written-off the loss,
> but it's my humble request to all residents of Crossings to unite and take
> up the security issue with respective authorities in each society.
> Hope that security improves in future for all of us and helps Crossings
> become a better place to live!
> Regards,
> Abhishek
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Thanks & Regards
Gaurav Gupta