S. Sahay
The township is looking great. Please visit the below link... Proud to be the part of this beautiful township. Thanks to Dharmesh Ji for taking the snap for each societies. A salute for you.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <dharmeshagarwal@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 8:18 AM
Subject: [CROMA] Fragrance of Deepawali in Town
To: CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in
Hi Friends
The fragrance of deepawali begins in our town, please have a look how our town is looking on this diwali..... click below for images.
Best Regards
Dharmesh Agarwal
Arihant Ambience
+91 9810470871
__._,_.___For latest updates do visit official CROMA website at:
Also, do register at the CROMA site, if not done already:
[IMP: People posting ads for promotion of their business or of commercial-only nature will be banned/unsubscribed without any warning or clarification]
With Regards
Satya Vir Singh
General Manager
(Sikkim Manipal University)
SMU - Kumasi
Email: satya@smughana.com
Telephone: +233 32 2030265 / 289, 289225929
Web: http://www.smughana.com
P. O. Box KS 8100, Kumasi - Ghana