Tuesday, March 5, 2013

[CROMA] MoM of the CROMA General Body Meeting (GBM) held on 3rd March 2013


CROMA General Body Meeting (GBM)


: SUNDAY 03RD MAR 2013

: 02 PM – 03:30 PM



Meeting called by


Type of meeting




Note taker



The attendee list is kept with CROMA records



Dear CROMA Members,


We would like to thank all those members who took time off to attend the General Body Meeting (GBM) this Sunday dated 3rd March 2013.


As notified in the communication for the call for GBM: "In case sufficient quorum is not available at the scheduled time, the proceedings of the GBM will be adjourned for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the meeting will begin and the stated agenda items will be discussed upon as planned."  The meeting was adjourned for 30 minutes and rescheduled for 2:30 pm. The meeting then started at 2:30 PM with the present members.


Shri Raj Kumar Raju, a Governing Body Member, was decided unanimously as chairman of the meeting to conduct the affairs of this General Body meeting.


The minutes of the meeting are presented below:


1.        Ratification/Approval of the Interim Office Bearers


      The meeting began with the Governing Body member, Shri Raj Kumar Raju presenting the recent developments in CROMA Governing body before the GBM. Since the CROMA's Vice-President (R. K. Soni), one Joint Secretary (Abhinav Sahay) and the Treasurer (Mr. Sudhir Singh) had already resigned due to some unavoidable circumstances and the current President was not actively involved in the day to day activities and not coming in the Governing Body Meetings from a long time and the expectations from Crossing Residents were high (specially on Dumping Ground Legal Case) so the current Governing Body Members called an emergency meeting and passed a No Confidence Motion against the 7 office bearers and then as per the CROMA Bye-Laws under section 9B, the 3/5th of the majority voted against the office bearers.


Since the Election was required now and it will take some time and handing over from the dissolved body, and in order to conduct the fair election as well as looking into the day to day activities, the Governing Body has formed an Interim Office Bearers of 7 persons among the current Governing Body and they will work until the next election is done in next 3 months.


     Since the dumping ground petition filed by CROMA is pending in the Supreme Court, the body is required to maintain its continuity. Therefore the interim body is formed as a CARE TAKER Body  for many purposes till the election is concluded and fair elected body is formed.


      The discussion was opened up amongst the members to share their thoughts.


Some members were of the view that there was a need to rethink on the composition of CROMA. It was impractical to expect all the members to be present in the GBM. The composition was suggested to be on the lines of a representation from different Resident Welfare Associations (RWA). The challenge of not all RWAs being registered was acknowledged. Also discussed was the fact that the present Bye-Law framework does not allow for CROMA being an RWA Federation. The members discussed at length the need to change the Bye Laws but that could be done by a proper elected body, not by the interim body.


      The members also discussed and strongly deplored the use of the CROMA brand name for personal commercial gains. The members acknowledged that CROMA has goodwill and the members need to strengthen the organization and not it let fall prey into the hands of a handful few. The members also reiterated that team CROMA needs to reaffirm its focus on the key issues affecting the residents of Crossing Republik.


     With a show of hands majority the members ratified the interim office bearers to allow the day to day activity of CROMA. Also it was decided that another GBM will be called in the month of April 2013 when election committee along with the returning officer will be nominated and elections will be conducted thereafter.



The details of the interim office bearers are mentioned in the annexure at the end of the MOM (Point 1).



2.     Presentation of the Financial Status of CROMA


The Treasurer made the members aware of the financial accounts status of the CROMA. The accounts have now been reconciled, albeit provisionally, after taking over from previous two treasurers and the organizer of the CROMA Dussehra Mela. These accounts are still provisional and there will be a financial audit by April 30, 2013.  


On a high level, the total reciepts are INR 7,45,771/- (Seven Lacs Forty Five Thosand Seven Hundred and Seventy One Only) and total payments done are INR 5,18,515/- (Five Lacs Eighteen Thosand Five Hundred and Fifteen Only). The total surplus as on date 03 Mar 2013, is INR 2,27,256/- (Two Lacs Twenty Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Six Only).


The members were also made aware that the funds collected for Dumping Ground litigation are separate from other CROMA funds and will be used only for Dumping Ground litigation related expenses.


The details are mentioned in the annexure at the end of the MOM (Point 2).


3.     Action Taken Report/Proposal on Dumping Ground Litigation

The Legal committee presented the status about the Supreme Court hearing case on the CROMA dumping ground litigation. The same has been shared over email to members. The Supreme Court hearing done on 26th February was encouraging and now for the time being the boundary wall construction has been stopped. The request for status quo granted to the Ansal counsel is a positive sign. The legal committee would soon be sharing more details on the plan of action on the case.


 The details of the legal committee are mentioned in the annexure at the end of the MOM (Point 3).


4.     Progress on the CROMA Charter of Demand

The interim President shared the details of the strategy on the CROMA charter of demands. The team has held another round of meeting with CIPL representatives to track the progress. The CROMA team will now own this demand list and wherever no action is being taken by authorities a proactive approach will be taken.


The list will be continuously updated with requests and suggestions from the members. Also the status of each item is being monitored closely.


The details are mentioned in the annexure at the end of the MOM (Point 4).


5.     Presentation of the process of regular communication/updates to the resident by IT & Communication Committee


There would be regular updates of all the happenings related to tracking of legal, infrastructure and other organization updates on a regular basis. The details are mentioned in the annexure at the end of the MOM (Point 5).


It was resolved that "The interim office bearers as decided in the previous Governing Body Meeting, as of 17th February 2013, is being upheld".  


      It was resolved "To call a General Body Meeting in the month of April, 2013 for the purpose of initiating the process of Electing a new Governing body".


The meeting ended with a note of thanks.



Vishal Aery

Interim President - CROMA     


Annexure to GBM Minutes dated 3rd March 2013

1.     The interim Office bearers




Email Address

Society Name


Vishal Aery


Gaur Global Village

Vice President

Tanweer Hayat 


Supertech Livingstone

General Secretary

Mohammad Abu Nasar


Mahagun Mascot


Dileep Agrawal


Gaur Global Village

Joint Secretary 1

Mohammad Aftab


Assotech The Nest

Joint Secretary 2

Vishal Sinha


Ajnara Gen-X

Joint Secretary 3

Avinash Singh Kaushik


Panchsheel Wellington


2.     Presentation of the Financial Status of CROMA

If any member wants to see the financial statement they can meet the Treasurer or any other member of the Finance committee. The audited statement will be published on the CROMA Web site.



EB Members

Finance Committee

Dileep Agrawal (Convener)

Saikat Deb

Venkat Raidu


3.     Legal Committee



EB Members

Legal Committee

Akhil Chabbra (Convener)

Abhishek Goel


Vishal Aery


4.     Progress on the CROMA charter of demand

Please find the enclosed attachment for the same.


5.     IT & Communication Committee



EB Members

IT & Communication Committee

Raj Kumar Raju (Convener)

Sujoy Pathak

Mohammad Aftab

Tarun Chauhan

Shobhit Singh


6.     Next Important dates



Next General Body Meeting (GBM)

14th April 2013 (Proposed)

Date of Election for new CROMA Governing Body

To be decided on 14th April 2013 GBM


7.     Other Important Information



CROMA Official Website


E-mail ID


Communication Committee E-Mail ID



Recent Activity:
For latest updates do visit official CROMA website at:

Also, do register at the CROMA site, if not done already:

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