Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Re: [CROMA] Re: {AARWA-57} Re: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body


It is sad to see below mails where CROMA PRESIDENT and the ex members are totally out of focus , disputing with each other for only their posts / chairs in the General Body of CROMA , waisting their energy and time on sending legal notices  which actually should have been utilised against GNN for fighting the DG Case.
Residents are supporting CROMA in all respects because CROMA is a HOPE of the residents however presently the CROMA team is hurting the feelings of the residents by floating such e.mails.
Few points I would like to say to CROMA PRESIDENT and the Team :
1. It is the residents who have ultimate authority to elect / reject any member of the CROMA  or RWA and the voting is a simple procedure to do that.
    No one is above the residents majority.
2. Who is right and who is wrong  , let it be justified by the majority of the residents and the simple procedure is Poll. It can be done on line by generating in the group web site on any difference of opinion among members. Public Opinion is always help full in concluding such disputes therefore let the residents decide it.
3. Understanding the residents wish by an opinion poll is the best dispute resolution method  rather then sending legal notice to your own community resident member because he is not agreed to your unilateral opinions.
I suggest one to one  correspondence should be avoided in such a group  as it always turned in to a dispute because every one try to prove that he is right and his opponent is wrong. We should find solutions to our problems rather then disputing with each other.
Let me clarify that I am a resident of Aquapolis and I am not part of Crossing Republic. I am part of this group because of a comman goal against DG.
My above opinions and suggestions are individual and not favoured to any party of below e.mails.
I hope CROMA TEAM will find solutions of the internal problems with my above observations and suggestions.
Thanks & Regards,
From: Siddhartha Tomer <>
To: Gurmukh Salh <>
Cc: crossingsrepublikownersandmembersassociation-croma <>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 March 2013, 0:42
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Re: {AARWA-57} Re: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body

Mr Gurmukh Singh,

All residents of Crossing Republik are my friends and family. Not sure for whom you are talking about saying " You and your friends ". Please be specific.
Which instance of Galleria Market you are mentioning. If you are talking about cutting cake on launch of some helpline then I was not present there but have seen those pics. Note sure how it is related to my note.
Every one has personal commitments in life but in case you were busy and not available then back up should be nominated.

About my resignation, Please don't try to mislead. I have given my resignation on 4th June'12 and accepted on 29th Oct'12. In between, I have attended number of meetings as a resident and not as a CROMA executive member. Not sure how question of governing body notice arise when i have already given my resignation. If you want then I will share those mails with you.

I am not interested to know who is/will be the president. As a resident, I am just looking for proper and clear communication from Associations / RWAs

I am copying CROMA yahoo group as I think each and every resident have rights to know the responses coming from your side as they were copied in earlier mails.

Please note : I am writing to you as a resident. Please avoid bringing your personal egos here if any if with anyone. Thanks.

A resident of Crossing Republik
Siddhartha Tomer
( 8860210000 )

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Gurmukh Salh <> wrote:
Mr. Tomar,

You and your friends were very well knowing that I was busy in my son's wedding and after his wedding, I was very well there at Galeria Market as and when I was called to attend that in which all those were also present who are now showing as I was the only one there at. I have photographs of that day also. From 3rd February I was not having any internet connection upto 18th February after getting connection of BSNL.

You had submitted your resignation after governing body's notice about not attending meetings.

You will know who is President within few days.

Sent from my iPad
Gurmukh Singh

On Mar 5, 2013, at 9:42 PM, Siddhartha Tomer <> wrote:

Mr Gurmukh Singh,

Finally I am happy to see a response from you :)

On your first point. Please see the attendance records if maintained by President or by Vice President or by General Secretary. You being president must be aware of that rather then asking individuals now.
Second, Please note when I have resigned from CROMA executive body and you should better recall the reason for it.
Third. The mails I am referring are of past 2-3 months. I have written those mails as a resident.
Fourth, If General Secretary is not responding then hope you as well aware of President's responsibility.
Fifth, Not sure what you meant by " What your General Secretary has done in last one year ". Please be noted that  I am not making any one as President, Vice President or General Secretary. Being a resident, My question was for CROMA governing body. President, Vice President or General Secretary to decide and respond.

Please stop forcing your ineffectiveness on residents. If you still have any questions, Please free feel to discuss rather than writing such mails.

Please confirm. Are you still the President of CROMA. Response to my earlier queries are still awaited.

A resident of Crossing Republik
Siddhartha Tomer
( 8860210000 )

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Gurmukh Salh <> wrote:
Mr. Siddhartha,

Before asking any querry from me, please tell, how many meetings of Governing Body have you attended in last one year as governing body member?

In an association, General Secretary is responsible for all the correspondance as per bye-laws and constitution. You can go through bye-laws to see roles & responsibilities of Office-Bearers and that has given me the rights. So, be responsible and act accordingly. What your General Secretary has done in last one year, he can not even send the communication to Registrar regarding elections, he could not get his post ratified by GBM. 

For your kind information, I am an elected President of an elected body. 

Regards for which you are not capable.

Sent from my iPad
Gurmukh Singh

On Mar 5, 2013, at 8:35 PM, Siddhartha Tomer <> wrote:

Mr Gurmukh Singh,

Before adding salt to anything, you should have clear thoughts. In past few months, I have sent you multiple notes. You haven't replied to any note and now you have time to respond to these subject mails.

Is this ethical??? I want to know who has given you these rights. I want to put on record that being president of any association, you were expected to address all queries. You fail to do so effectively in past one year.

Rightly said by Mr Manmohan and supported by all other residents- "  Position should be given to those who can contribute and not looking for position only for their social status. "

Siddhartha Tomer
( 8860210000 )

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Manish Sharma <> wrote:
correctly said. my vote is to refrain unless there is a legal document or legal notice issued for such action.
by the way, was the intial email about dissolution sent by officeal croma email address?

Unfortunate response as well as action.

Difficult to understand who is worng n who is right.

This is the situation I was afraid of and sent my response against formation of new body.

I am also not in agreement with the way it has formed but at least so called unconstitutional body is taking effort to do something other than only organising and attending events.

If you are really looking to do something for township take the lead to dissolve the so called constitutional body and call for selection/election of new body who can work for township. Hope of every resident lie on CROMA, only request not make fun of it by fighting for Chair. Position should be given to those who can contribute and not looking for position only for their social status.

Manmohan Jha
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
From: Gurmukh Salh <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 20:37:11 +0530
Subject: Crossings Republik Legal Action Against Unconstitutional Body

Dear All,
As you are all aware that some autocratic power-crazy self style leaders have announced dissolution of duly elected executive body of CROMA which is unconstitutional, undemocratic and arbitrary. To add salt to injury they have called a meeting of general body on 03.03.2013 with out giving proper notice as per by laws.
Since the so called new body is itself illegal and unconstitutional; legal action against such illegal activities is under process. As the matter is subjudice, it is therefore requested that we all should refrain from attending the said meeting on 03/03/2013 in the interest of Residents of Crossings Republik and await the judgement.
(Gurmukh Singh)
President CROMA

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