Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Re: [CROMA] Update on Child Molestation Case


I being a parent can never send my kids to this school where teachers are so irresponsible that they can not take care of few kids whereabouts.

I doubt if any parent disagrees.


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From: Abdul Momin momin.abdul@gmail.com [CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA] <CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in>;
To: CROMA Group <CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in>;
Cc: <cromaexecutivebody@googlegroups.com>;
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Update on Child Molestation Case
Sent: Tue, May 20, 2014 6:38:34 PM


Whatever said and done, only way to send a strong signal is closure of this school (Or shall we say a shop run by careless morons)
Heinous crime like this with such a small innocent child is beyond a parents worst imagination..
Were all school authorities sleeping????
Under no circumstance should this school be allowed to function, come whatever they say or promise.
If this school is allowed to function, then incident would be soon be forgotton and it will become business as usual and other schools will never mend their ways.

On May 20, 2014 6:59 PM, "CROMA Updates cromaupdates@gmail.com [CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA]" <CrossingsRepublikOwnersAndMembersAssociation-CROMA@yahoogroups.co.in> wrote:

Dear All,

On 18th May 2014, a meeting was called by the Parents of Maple Bear Play School to discuss the issue of Child Molestation Case. CROMA Team was also asked to attend the meeting as Parents wanted to know the Role and Action of CROMA on this issue.

Altogether 26 Parents of Maple Bear Kids attended this meeting. Since Md. Tanweer Hayat of CROMA was in touch with parent from initial stage of the event, he was requested to brief the sequence of incident and actions happened till now.

Mr. Hemant Kumar Lal, a parent, was putting effort together and taking action on school along with Mr. Sandeep Singh of Gaur Global Village and they briefed how they come to know the incident and action taken by them till now.

After this few parents were of opinion that School should be closed on immediate basis with refund of fee to all the kids. Another set of parents were of view that School should be allowed to continue however effort should be done for strict action against culprit & School Management.

After long discussion it is decided as below:

1)      The School Management is also responsible for their lapses due to which this incident has happened and not coming forward and reporting the incident when on 6th May,  the Parent went to school and reported the incident and kid identified the culprit, due to this parent were required to go to Police Station on their own for reporting the incident.

2)      Effort should be taken to ensure enforcement of all possible acts against Culprit & School Management.

3)      To ensure this action a Committee of Parents was formed as below

a.       Mr. Hemant Kr. Lal, Gaur Global Village, 9811454617

b.      Mr. Atul Gupta, Mahagun Mascot, 9311448744

c.       Ms. Shivani Upadhyay, Gaur Global Village, 9873503642

d.      Mr. Sandeep Singh, Gaur Global Village     

e.      Mr. Tanweer Hayat, Supertech Livingstone (CROMA)

f.        Mr. BPS Bhatia, Panchsheel Wellington (CROMA)

4)      It was also decided that a list with contact detail of all the parent of Maple Bear Kid should be made so that all of them can be kept updated with the development.


Please find the enclosed attachment as a signature of the parent who joined in the meeting along with their comment.

Warm Regards,



Posted by: "sachinsaxena_2@yahoo.co.in" <sachinsaxena_2@yahoo.co.in>
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