Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Re: [CROMA] Fwd: [EB-CROMA] Rain Water Harvesting in Crossings Republic


Sir, very good initiative.


Dear Team,

As we all are aware from the present scenario of rapid urbanization, sealing of permeable soil zone is gradually increasing due to construction activities coupled with industrialization is resulting in reduced percolation of rainwater. But the dependence on ground water is increasing rapidly over the past two decades.

The demand is so high that indiscriminate use of groundwater resulting in steep fall of the ground water levels

Therefore there is an urgent need to take up rain / roof water harvesting / conservation methods which can subsequently help to recharge and maintain ground water balance, in order to make it on a sustainable source.

So let us start the checking of availability, proper construction & working of RWH pits in our respective societies.

For the purpose, a guideline has been prepared to understand the working & construction of the RWH pits

We suggest to start with this social cause & we need to check in our society about its availability thereafter working may be checked.

We request all members to get it checked in their society with thehelp of maintenance/AOA/RWA team.

If we will be able to ground the water of these rains, then it will be very helpful to cultivate the same from ground in future.


Thanks & Regards,
Team Croma


Posted by: neeraj shrotriya <>
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