Monday, February 27, 2012

Re: [CROMA] Re: [mahagunmascot] Names not yet included in the voter lists from the Jan Voter Id Camp


The same happened to another family too. They too had submitted their forms on Jan 21/22 during the camp organised by CROMA at the fountain in CR. They did not find their names in the list even after searching for 45 minutes. Sheer waste of time and effort. Officials, including the BLO, Mrs. Premlata said that the names of those who filled their forms on Jan 21/22 have not been included. 

I had filled my form earlier during the activity organised in CRIS Main and had duly received my Voter Id Card. Things were pretty smooth for me. 

Alok Agarwala

On 28 February 2012 12:45, Vikram Laskar <> wrote:

Yes, my name (and my family's) is also not there on the list.
I took a day-off from office, reached the booth early in the morning, and searched the list (numerous printouts) for 1 hr, but in vain.
I searched in both Bhag-12 & 11, but could not find my name.
According to them, those who have given application in the Jan camp held at Crossings were not included.

--- On Tue, 28/2/12, gurpreetsinghkohli <> wrote:

From: gurpreetsinghkohli <>
Subject: [mahagunmascot] Names not yet included in the voter lists from the Jan Voter Id Camp
Date: Tuesday, 28 February, 2012, 9:42

Hi All,

I have just returned from the polling booth (Dundaheda), however as my name wasn't in the voter list as was the case of alteast about 10 more families from Crossings (various socities) and as per the officials present there the names from the Jan camp hasn't been included in the list yet and that the list on the is final updated one. So if your name isn't there then chances are very less that you will actually make to the voter list.

Moreover its complete chaos there and hence I would suggest everyone to have a second thought before going there or better check for your name online first.

Gurpreet Singh

Alok Agarwala

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