Tuesday, May 1, 2012

[CROMA] Crossings Magazine : "Guess The Name Contest" - Entry



I suggest : 

Crossing Lines 
An intersection of different cultures/people/values (lines) and their thoughts through a medium  - "crossing lines" 
Also, this would be a magazine with "lines" by residents ;)
note : I Googled for these two words and the top result was for a highly appreciated movie by the same name, http://www.crossinglinesthefilm.com/Home_Page.html and this artistic connection further motivated me to suggest the name.

The Republikan
This name has a very "newspaper-ish magazined" feel to it, mostly due to the article prefix and also probably due to the fact the rightly spelled Republican(with a C) has been a name of choice elsewhere around the world for newspapers,dailies or magazines.
It would also be interesting to actually title our literary medium wrongly(with the K) to show that our affection for our township goes beyond literature rules and boundaries.

Sujai Harichandran
1816, Gaur Global Village

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