Saturday, December 28, 2013

Re: [CROMA] Roll Back of the Township Maintenance Charges and Status on Pending Issues


By I

On Dec 28, 2013 7:25 PM, "CROMA Updates" <> wrote:
> Dear Valued Residents,
> This is just to inform you that CROMA has sent a mail to the Whole Time Director of Crossings Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. (CIPL) today and requested them to roll back the changes of Township Maintenance Charges imposed in various societies as well as other pending issues such as Road Connectivity, Visitor/Guest Parking Issue, NOC/Land Title Documents, Completion Certificate, Uniform Electricity Rate for Main Power Supply, ATM and Hospital. 
> Please find the enclosed attachment for the same and we have warned them to give us the update as soon as possible otherwise we have to plan for a big protest on 19th Jan 2014 against every builders of this township including CIPL. Please forward this mail to every resident of Crossings Republik Residents.
> Warm Regards,
> Team CROMA

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