Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Re: [CROMA] Info on New Construction Site.


Mahagun Mascot is planning 2 new towers for which basement is already dug out (In front of Mantova tower). However due to GDA work on these 2 new towers has been stopped at basement stage since last 3-4 months. You can enquire from Mahagun and buy something in these towers as they would take 2 years minimum to complete.
Risk is no one can be sure how much further delay would be there in these 2 new towers.. Also there was a talk that builder might scrap these towers and not build them. Check & calculate that out before buying.

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 8:04 PM, ashish gupta <ashish.biet@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Residents,

Is any developer who just started their project who have completion period of (2014-2015) CR. ?

Basic Purpose is to Just book the flat and post 2-3 years take the possession.

Ashish kr gupta

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