Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Re: [CROMA] 1TON AC will work in 2KVA?


Depends on your AC transformer, and the stabilizer (If using) setting. A 1 Ton AC can consume anything from 1000 Watts to 1500W, 1700Watts or even higher at different time. If the compressor has to work too hard,it may consume too much current.

Try this, Make sure your AC is not directly under the sun. It should be under a shade. Ensure there is enough ventilation to.
Also,if you try to set internal temperature too low, it will put much load, upto 25-26*C should be OK.

As other gentlemen said, 5***** AC will take less Watts for same cooling, however the difference is Hardly 100-200 Watts.

Also, do remember that other appliances working in parallel would add to total load. Calculate if 2KVA is enough for u.

BTW, use cooler, go green. :P

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 8:44 AM, shilpi agg <> wrote:

1TON AC will work in 2KVA?


Chandrajeet Panwar
IBM India Pvt. Ltd.

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