Does any one has an update on the time frame by which the widening of Shahberi pulia and construction of pulia behind GH 07 will be complete.
Regards/MohitSent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
From: Lalit Sharma <>Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 20:27:20 +0530To: CRIS<>; CROMA<>ReplyTo: crossings-republik@yahoogroups.comSubject: Crossings Republik Struck @ pulia againGuys,
This is so frustrating..i am in pulia jam from last half n hour. This is so frustrating to see people making four lanes one after another. Basically a dead lock situation making it amost impossible for cars from otherside to cross. Guys just show basic drving sense. Something has to be done here..
P.S: i am writing this email while driving in this jam..see d situation..:(
Lalit Sharma
Chandrajeet Panwar
IBM India Pvt. Ltd.
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