Thursday, November 28, 2013

[CROMA] Re: [RWA-Mascot:4940] Re: [mahagunmascot] 1st Societies Premiere League from 4 Jan 2014 - Tennis Ball Tournament Invitation


Thanks Sachin, looks like great tournament ahead. This will help us to know each other well.

Thanks & Regards,

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 2:53 PM, RAJ KUMAR RAJU <> wrote:
Thanks Sachin for taking the initiative. It is really a great step taken to keep all the society players under one roof.

Raj Kumar Raju
Mahagun Mascot 

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Sachin Gupta <> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from Sachin Gupta included below]

Dear Patrons,
Greetings for the day!!!!!
It gives GS Sports crossing republik immense pleasure in announcing the first 8a side Societies Premiere League - Tennis ball tournament with high hopes, renewed plans and heightened targets. This tournament format is specially designed for the societies and the event promises the awards and recognitions never heard or imagined before in a societies tournament.  We invite your participation for this tennis ball tournament , where all the different societies  assemble to prove their Supremacy in the Field of Cricket.
Also detailed information about the tournament can be found in the attached invitation document.


We Gupta Son sports pvt. Ltd. are the Wholesaler and retailer for all kind of indoor and outdoor Sports goods and Fitness accessories and our showroom is located at Crossings Republik Ghaziabad.
We have successfully organized big corporate tournament and details regarding our previous tournaments and feedbacks from different people can be viewed using below URLS:


Gupta Son Sports
FF-28 Galleria Market
Crossings Republik

Thanks & Regards,

Raj Kumar Raju
Cell# 9811922379
Crossings Republik Township
NH-24, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

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