Saturday, November 23, 2013

RE: [CROMA] Required Checklist before Registry/Possession

1. Possession letter, Blue print, NA, 7/12 extract, ULC certificate, Development agreement, power of attorney, Commencement Certificate, Search Report of the Builder's Advocate, Receipts of payments made to the builder, Letter of allotment (Not much idea regarding this. If someone has prior experience regarding this, please share the list of documents)
2. Check your agreement to see the list of amenities and make sure each one is provided as per specification.
3. All the sliding door/windows work smoothly.
4. Painting - Check if all walls have double coat.Exterior painting should be complete along with window and balcony grills.
5. Check all granite slabs for cracks
6. Make sure granite platform in kitchen is not leaking. Pour bucket of water on granite platform and observe for any leakage below it. Sometimes small builders try to avoid water proofing using Araldite.
7. Check for cracks on the walls, especially between electrical sockets
8. Check for Broken or discolored tiles in bathrooms, floor
9. Check if Locks on all doors are working. Make sure you have collected all the keys for all the doors. Cross check all the keys and locks.
10. Check if all Drainage outlets (balcony, bathroom, kitchen, utility, etc.) are working and not clogged
11. Bathroom fittings - Check for Leakages in taps when water is switched on. Check for all bathroom fittings are as per specification. Check hot and cold mixer.
12. Check if all Window panes in bathrooms are intact
13. Electrical - Check if All switches and plug-points are working. Check for all electric fittings. Make sure that all the sockets, plugs, bulb holder are connected to mail supply. Also check if main fuse in the house is controlling complete current supply. If you have an inverter, ensure the supply shift to the inverter if the main switch is switched off.
14. Check if the mosquitto mesh provided is ok or is torn at some places
15. Check all the door alignments properly. All doors should be veneer coated and not sun mica.
16. Also check for water flow from kitchen, bedrooms, and hall. Slope should be towards bathrooms or terrace.
17. Also check for slope in bathrooms and terrace. Make sure water is completely draining out and not accumulating at one place.
18. Measure hall, kitchen, and bedroom sizes.
18. Fill water in the bathroom above your flat and keep it for 1-2 days. Observe if any leakages are seen in your bathroom. These leakages can cause major headaches later.
19. Check if your gas leak detector is working by burning a peice of paper and allowing the smoke to fill the kitchen.
20. Check if your piped gas is working and the meter is in your name
21. Check if the extra electrical sockets/switches you had asked for are provided as per requirement 

On Fri, 11/22/13, Anukool GOEL <> wrote:

Subject: RE: [CROMA] Required Checklist before Registry/Possession
To: "" <>, "" <>
Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 1:52 PM


Really it's
true… once u take hand over, it wud be difficult

Anukool Goel


On Behalf Of niranjan gupta

Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 12:30 PM


Subject: Re: [CROMA] Required Checklist before



Broken glass

broken pot

if possible keep electric tester for
current in plug. sometimes only plug will be there but no
wiring inside.

check by pouring water in all the
bathroom and balcony for water movement,


I would say yes, unless you are not
satisfied with the finishing of your flat don't take
handover of your flat no matter what  Marketing ppl
give assurances  to you as later its very difficult to
get finishing
work done from them. This is from my personal

From: saurabh srivastava

To: ""

Sent: Tuesday, 19 November 2013 12:17 AM

Subject: [CROMA] Required Checklist before



   Dear All,

  Can someone please provide
me a checklist or list of things to do before going for
registry? I am planning to take possession and registry next
week for my flat in Ajnara,  



  Can someone please send me the
things to do/check list before taking


    Thanks in



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