Friday, November 22, 2013

RE: [CROMA] Required Checklist before Registry/Possession


Really it's true… once u take hand over, it wud be difficult .


Warm Regards,


Anukool Goel


From: [] On Behalf Of niranjan gupta
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CROMA] Required Checklist before Registry/Possession



Broken tile

Broken glass

broken pot

if possible keep electric tester for current in plug. sometimes only plug will be there but no wiring inside.

check by pouring water in all the bathroom and balcony for water movement,


I would say yes, unless you are not satisfied with the finishing of your flat don't take handover of your flat no matter what  Marketing ppl give assurances  to you as later its very difficult to get finishing work done from them. This is from my personal experience



   Dear All,

  Can someone please provide me a checklist or list of things to do before going for registry? I am planning to take possession and registry next week for my flat in Ajnara,  



  Can someone please send me the things to do/check list before taking possession?


    Thanks in Advance.

    Saurabh Srivastava


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